ACIAR Scholarship for January 2021 Enrollment

Since 1982, the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) has supported research projects in four regions: eastern and southern Africa, East Asia, South and West Asia, and the Pacific. The ACIAR-funded C5 Project has approved its scholarship support for two full-time on-campus 2-year Master students for Spring (January) 2021 enrollment in Natural Resources Management (NRM), Department of Development and Sustainability (DDS), School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD).


Prof Nophea Sasaki speaks with People’s Daily, China on global biodiversity initiative

When the United Nations hosted the first ever UN Biodiversity Summit at the 75th General Assembly on 30 September 2020, over 100 world leaders gathered virtually in New York to mobilize for action to stem the decline of the planet’s biodiversity.

The goal is to build political momentum for the Conference of the Parties (COP15) of the UN Convention on Biodiversity scheduled in May 2021 in Kunming, China, where countries will agree to an ambitious plan of action on biodiversity.


PhD Colloquium: Process of Coordination and Negotiation between Villagers and Public Agencies over Natural Resource Management in China: Insights from Xishuangbanna Prefecture

The Department of Development and Sustainability (DDS) organized a Ph.D. colloquium for Ph.D. students on 27 May 2020 as a monthly regular event of the Department. Before the presentation started, Mr. Uddhav Guragain, a Ph.D. candidate as a moderator shared that DDS had already conducted  20 sessions of Ph.D. Colloquium so far since it was started august 2017 as monthly basis. The main objectives of the colloquium to interact with the Ph.D. students under DDS to share their research, findings, experience, challenges, solutions.


Congratulations for our new PhDs!

Shahab-E-Saqib (left), Supattra Yamsrual (center) and Manjunatha Venkatappa (right)

In August 2019, three DDS students completed their PhD. Congratulations! We are very proud to have Shahab-E-Saqib, Supattra Yamsrual and Manjunatha Venkatappa as new PhD holders who will be leaders in their own respective fields. It was an awesome month for us having three subsequent PhD public defence seminars in a month.


Ostrom Retreat 2019

Context and Background

Elinor Ostrom received the 2009 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for her research proving how the commons are vital to the world based on the rhetoric of the “tragedy of the commons”, which focused on private property and centralization as ways to protect finite resources from depletion. She turned over the “conventional wisdom” by validating by what means local resources could be effectively managed by commons without ruling by central government or privatization. Ostrom identified 8 design principles for how common-pool resources could be governed sustainably and equitably in a community. Similarly, the Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) framework summarizes the ways that institutions function and adjust over time. The framework observes institutions to be created by humans whereby individual choices made render consequences of particular choices made. This is one of a “multi-level conceptual map” that may offer to study a specific hierarchical section of interactions made in a system. The part of the framework includes action arena identification, formed through interactions between actors and actor situations. 
