Part-time Consultancy Opportunity for an Institute-wide Project

1. Background

1.1. Funder: ADB (Asian Development Bank), JFPR (Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction)
1.2. Project: Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture for Enhanced Recovery and Sustainability of Highlands
1.3. Lead: AIT and Nippon Koei Co.
1.4. Initiator: Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand.
1.5. Objective: To strengthen the capacity of local governments and communities to address climate change and to demonstrate climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices
1.6. Target Area: Nan Province, the Kingdom of Thailand


RTG Fellowships for August 2021 Semester Intake at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand

The vision of the Royal Thai Government (RTG) is to prepare the country and its people for the emerging ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). Through its non-binding RTG Fellowships at AIT, it seeks to prepare its engineers, scientists and managers to become global citizens and emerge as key drivers of Thailand’s international competitiveness. Thus, generous academic fellowships are being offered to Thai students to pursue Master’s and Ph.D. programs


AIT Scholarships for August 2021 Semester Intake at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand

The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Thailand is offering applicants to its Master and Doctoral degree programs an opportunity to qualify for generous academic scholarships. A large number of no-bond AIT Scholarships are available for students applying for postgraduate programs offered at AIT’s School of Engineering and Technology (SET); School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD); and School of Management (SOM). As Asia’s leading international higher learning institute, the AIT Scholarships are intended to increase the number of skilled international scientists, engineers, and managers required to meet the future challenges of the emerging Asian Economic Community region and beyond.


His Majesty the King’s Scholarships for Doctoral Programs

This scholarship is granted to qualified candidates with excellent undergraduate (Bachelor degree) and graduate (Master degree) achievements to pursue their Doctoral programs in any Academic Program offered at School of Engineering and Technology (SET) and School of Environment, Resources, and Development (SERD) from the following priority countries supported by the Government of Thailand.

1) Bhutan and Timor-Leste
2) ASEAN countries
3) Other Asian countries


Royal Thai Government Scholarships for Fall 2021 Semester Intake at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand

The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) manages a number of Doctoral and Master’s level non-binding scholarships provided by the Royal Thai Government (RTG) to qualified candidates with excellent academic qualifications from Thailand and other Asian countries. The scholarships provide an opportunity for students of diverse backgrounds from all countries in Asia to study and conduct research work together in the truly International environment at AIT and to build a good foundation for International understanding among people of Asia.


DAAD Scholarship for Fall 2021 Semester Intake at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand

Asian Institute of Technology

Funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

AIT Application Closing: February 14, 2021

AIT Application Closing: February 28, 2021

For this scholarship, applicants need to apply for one of the following programs under the Department of Development and Sustainability, School of Environment, Resources and Development to be eligible for this scholarship. Please select your academic program carefully when applying for the admission AIT system.

  • Gender and Development Studies (GDS)
  • Natural Resources Management (NRM)
  • Regional and Rural Development Planning (RRDP)  (To be renamed soon as Development Planning Management and Innovation (DPMI)

Note: Please contact our staff if you are not sure about which program to apply for.
