His Majesty the King’s Scholarships for Doctoral Programs
This scholarship is granted to qualified candidates with excellent undergraduate (Bachelor degree) and graduate (Master degree) achievements to pursue their Doctoral programs in any Academic Program offered at School of Engineering and Technology (SET) and School of Environment, Resources, and Development (SERD) from the following priority countries supported by the Government of Thailand.
1) Bhutan and Timor-Leste
2) ASEAN countries
3) Other Asian countries
“COVIDization”, Presented by DDS Student Miss Chitralada Chaiya at the 11th National Public Administration Conference
The epidemic of the COVID-19 has dramatically changed the world in every dimension. Consequently, it can be said that this is an era of “COVIDization”. This complete change of lifestyle has “disrupted” people into “New normal” especially in the public health service, which has been a direct responsibility since the beginning of the pandemic.

Pre-ATC PhD student seminar
This session is planned so that Pre-ATC PhD students can start focus on their thesis earlier on and start being used to sharing/ communicating their research ideas to a wider audience.
PhD Colloquium for April 2020
DS is organizing our monthly Ph.D. Colloquium on 29th April (Wed) from 15:00 via ZOOM (online meeting platform). This is a forum where PhD students share their work and engage in discussions on various emerging issues in the region.
DDS Student present on International Conference on Nation-Building 2019 at the Development of a High Income Nation on November 26-27, 2019, Malaysia
Ms.Chitralada Chaiya (PhD in RRDP/DDS) presented on “The International Conference on Nation Building 2019: The Development of a High Income Nation” on November 26-27, 2019, Malaysia She presented in the topic “20 years Educational Reform of Thailand: Crisis or Exit of the Quality Assurance Polity in Higher Education” In this conference is aimed at creating international cooperation in economic, social, political and educational. The conference was attended by a large number of national and international leaders.