The Royal Thai Government Scholar Interview – Jytah Buranuz

DDS would like to warmly congratulate Jytah Buranuz, Master’s student in the Natural Resources Management program, August 2021 batch for receiving The Royal Thai Government Scholarship – Her Majesty the Queen’s Scholarships for Master’s Programs. The following is an interview exchange with the Her Majesty the Queen’s Scholarships for Master’s Programs recipient, which may serve as a guideline for those interested in applying for study at DDS.


The Royal Thai Government Scholar Interview – Wisnu Budi Waluyo

DDS would like to warmly congratulate Wisnu Budi Waluyo, Master’s student in the Development and Sustainability program, August 2021 batch for receiving The Royal Thai Government Scholarship – Her Majesty the Queen’s Scholarships for Master’s Programs. The following is an interview exchange with the Royal Thai Government recipient, which may serve as a guideline for those interested in applying for study at DDS.


Testimonial from UEM Student

“At first, I would like to send my gratitude to Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) for allowing me to pursue my master degree program in such an unforgettable academic way. Secondly, without supports from all professors in my UEM field, friends and family, all of this would not be happened. Read more…