Learning Is A Journey
“Learning Is A Journey” is a telling story from Ms.Chitralada Chaiya. She is a PhD (Candidate) at the Regional and Rural Development Planning (RRDP), Department of Development and Sustainability (DDS), School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD), AIT. In a telling story, she shared her experiences as an exchange student at LUT University, Finland to us.

“COVIDization”, Presented by DDS Student Miss Chitralada Chaiya at the 11th National Public Administration Conference
The epidemic of the COVID-19 has dramatically changed the world in every dimension. Consequently, it can be said that this is an era of “COVIDization”. This complete change of lifestyle has “disrupted” people into “New normal” especially in the public health service, which has been a direct responsibility since the beginning of the pandemic.

PhD Colloquium for February 2020
Topic: Student Perceptions of Social, Infrastructure and Natural Hazards Safety of Higher Schools in Western China Presenter: Mr. Qi Xinjian, RRDPModerator: Mr. Wiruj Somsopon, UEM DATE: Wednesday 26 February 2020TIME: 15:00-16:00VENUE: S 201
Learning “participatory rural development planning” with community
Fieldtrips, within the course of Regional and Rural Development Planning (RRDP) workshops instructed by Dr Thi Phuoc Lai Nguyen, are designed to provide RRDP Master students opportunities to interact and work with local communities on local development planning. It encourages students to be curious, inquiring, to apply theoretical knowledge into practices, and to enjoy learning. This activity is to promote the connection between our research and teaching with community.
RRDP Alumnus Dr. Sanaullah Panezai launches a new research journal: Journal of Geography and Social Sciences (JGSS)
Dr. Sanaullah Panezai, an RRDP Alumnus, has launched a new research journal in December 2019. The title of the journal is “Journal of Geography and Social Sciences (JGSS)”. He serves as Editor-in-Chief of the JGSS. This newly launched journal is an open access, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal that publishes rapid publication of substantive and integrative research articles in all areas of geography and social sciences. JGSS has an International Editorial Board and uses online submission system for receiving articles.
DDS Student present on International Conference on Nation-Building 2019 at the Development of a High Income Nation on November 26-27, 2019, Malaysia
Ms.Chitralada Chaiya (PhD in RRDP/DDS) presented on “The International Conference on Nation Building 2019: The Development of a High Income Nation” on November 26-27, 2019, Malaysia She presented in the topic “20 years Educational Reform of Thailand: Crisis or Exit of the Quality Assurance Polity in Higher Education” In this conference is aimed at creating international cooperation in economic, social, political and educational. The conference was attended by a large number of national and international leaders.
DDS Students attended the summer program at Tongji University, Shanghai, China
DDS students have many opportunities to participate in exchange programs with other universities. (See DPMM Students participated in the International Summer School)
In August 2019, DDS students attended the summer program at Tongji University, Shanghai, China, under the theme of “Sustainable Urban and Rural Development”.
Congratulations for our new PhDs!

In August 2019, three DDS students completed their PhD. Congratulations! We are very proud to have Shahab-E-Saqib, Supattra Yamsrual and Manjunatha Venkatappa as new PhD holders who will be leaders in their own respective fields. It was an awesome month for us having three subsequent PhD public defence seminars in a month.
Meet New Professor Emeritus: Professor Jayant Kumar Routray
Prof. Jayant Kumar Routray was bestowed with the title of Professor Emeritus at AIT’s 131st Graduation on 17 May 2019. Earlier, the conferment of the title of Professor Emeritus was approved at the meeting of the AIT Board of Trustees held on 30 August 2018. Prof. Routray joined AIT as Read more…