DPMM Curriculum Structure, August 2018 to Intersem 2019

Curriculum Structure
Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation and Management
Thesis Option | Research Study Option | |
– Total number of required credits | 6 | 6 |
– Total number of elective credits | 20 | 32 |
– Total number of course works | 26 | 38 |
– Total number of thesis/research
– Total number of credits |
48 |
48 |
August 2018 Semester
IN84.01 | Managing Disasters | 3(3-0) | R | Dr. Indrajit Pal |
IN84.02 | Remote Sensing and GIS for Disaster Mitigation | 3(2-3) | E | Dr. Hiroyuki Miyazaki &
Dr. Masahiko Nagai |
IN84.12 | Floods and Droughts | 3(3-0) | E | Prof. Tawatchai Tingsanchali |
IN84.31 | Human Conflicts and Humanitarian Emergency Management | 3(3-0) | E | Dr. Mokbul Morshed Ahmad |
IN84.9007 | Selected Topic: API Course in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance | 2(2-0)
E | Dr. Indrajit Pal &
Prof. Jayant K Routray |
ED52.03 | Introduction to Development and Sustainability | 2(2-0)
R | Dr. Nophea Sasaki, Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon & Prof. Kyoko Kusakabe |
ED52.xxxx | Introduction to Quantitative Methods | 2(2-2) | E | Dr. Sylvia Szabo |
ED52. xxxx | Introduction to Research Design | 2(2-0) | R | Dr. Sohee M. Kim, Prof. Rajendra Shrestha, and Dr. Sylvia Szabo |
January 2019 Semester
IN84.11 | Mitigation of Earthquake Disasters | 3(3-0) | E | Prof. Pennung Warnitchai |
IN84.03 | Climate Hazards and Early Warning Systems | 3(3-0) | E | TBA |
IN84.04 | Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Management – Theory and Practice | 3(2-3) | R | Dr. Indrajit Pal |
IN84.06 | Disaster Response and Emergency Management | 3(3-0) | E | TBA |
IN84.05 | Disaster Governance, Policy and Risk Management | 3(3-0) | E | Dr. Indrajit Pal |
ED52.xxxx | Quantitative Methods | 2(1.5-1.5) | Elective | Dr. Takuji W. Tsusaka |
ED52.xxxx | Qualitative Research Methods | 2 (1-3) | Elective | Dr. Philippe Doneys, Prof. Kyoko Kusakabe |