AIT Seminar: Implications for Climate Change Mitigation and Advancing Sustainable Development Agenda

AIT Seminar

Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition: Implications for Climate Change Mitigation and Advancing Sustainable Development Agenda

by Dr. André Laperrière
Executive Director of the Secretariat for Global open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN).

Date: Tuesday, 28 August 2018
Time: 16:30 – 17:15 hrs
Venue: SERD Meeting Room (S-101), Academic Bldg.



DDS student’s research selected as Elsevier Atlas article of the month

Rajan Parajuli

An article by Department of Development and Sustainability (DDS) student Rajan Parajuli and Dr. Philippe Doneys has been selected by Elsevier as the Atlas article of the month. The article “Exploring the role of telemedicine in improving access to healthcare services by women and girls in rural Nepal” has been selected from thousands of recently published articles, to be selected for the Elsevier Atlas.

Rajan is a doctoral student of Gender and Development Studies in the Department of Development and Sustainability in AIT’s School of Environment, Resources and Development. The article was coauthored by Rajan with his advisor Dr. Philippe Doneys, who serves as an Associate Professor at AIT.



EDU-CULTURE Trip to visit Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Schedule : Wednesday, 4 April 2018 Venue : Room No. 115/2 – AIT Extension Building (former RCC, ground floor) Time Activity Note 9:00 Introduction – Welcome speech and Read more…

Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon of Urban Environmental Management at a promotion visit to Prince of Songkla University

AIT team, coordinated by and including OHCR staff, consisting SOM Dean and Dr. Vilas (DDS/SERD) visited to PSU Hat Yai campus and made presentations during 10-12 hrs. A total of approx. 20 participants (incl. some non-Thai students) participated with questions and discussions mostly concerning specific programs of interest, career opportunities and scholarships. As also attended by PSU’s Assistant Vice President for International Relations, Dr. Kewalin Thammasitboon ( and Foreign Teacher, Mr. Zsolt M. Szekely (, PSU Hat Yai significantly recognized AIT and well prepared for hosting this session, As majority of students attended have background in engineering and sciences, also based on feedback received during the session, possible programs of interest in SERD are higher for E, EEM, ASE and FEBT, followed by CCSD, NRM, UEM and DPMM. A list of participants is with OHCR staff (Ms. Kanchana). It is noted that MOU between PSU and AIT will be signed soon.


Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program

The Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP) is open to women and men from developing countries with relevant professional experience and history of supporting their countries’ development efforts who wish to pursue a Master Degree in a development-related field. JJWBGSP offers scholarships for over 200 Preferred Programs spanning a Read more…

Congratulation Dr.Binda Pandey the 1st Nepalese Constituent Assembly

Dr. Binda Pandey, a graduate from Gender and Development Studies in 2002, has been re-elected as member of parliament in Nepal for the next five years. This is her second term in office.
She is a prominent advocate for women’s rights, and currently serves as a Governing Council of General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions (GEFONT) and a Deputy Member of ILO Governing Body.
We would like to congratulate our graduate for this achievement.


Special lecture “Development Cooperation of the European Union: Priorities, Strategies and Methodological Considerations”

Special lecture Development Cooperation of the European Union: Priorities, Strategies and Methodological Considerations

by Mr Jerome Pons, Head of Cooperation from the EU Delegation in Bangkok.

Prior to joining the European Commission, Mr. Pons worked for ten years with international and non-governmental organisations in the fields of development, good governance and humanitarian assistance in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Mr. Pons has a Master’s degree in ‘Banking and International Finance’ and a PostGraduate Diploma in ‘Development Economics’ from the University of Dijon, France.


NRM REDD+ Training 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand

Accounting for Forest Carbon Stocks, Emissions, and Reductions or Removals using Forest Inventory Data and Google Earth Engine

Traning Date : 23-31 March 2018
Training Venue : Ambassador Hotel Bangkok
Field Trip : Forest inventory at Khao Hin Son Royal Development Study Centre, Thailand
Training Capacity : 25 Trainees
