DDS Student Seminar

Improving thesis/research writing skills

Student Seminar

The Department of Development and Sustainability cares all graduate students on their careers. We aim to improve their thesis/research writing skills even research study as well. This seminar will deliver by the faculty on various topics such as tips for proposal writing, thesis research using secondary data, data collection and analysis, or other topics deemed necessary. 

Student seminar opens for all students who are interested to improve their skills. We aim to organize once every two months depending on necessity and academic calendar.

Seminar on 30 September 2021

Title: Tips for Preparing the Responses to the Reviewers’ Comments

Speaker: Prof.Nophea Sasaki

Head, Department of Development and Sustainability

Seminar on 2 November 2021

Title: Publishing your research in a refereed journal

Speaker: Dr.Takuji W. Tsusaka

Chair, Development and Sustainability program

Seminar on January 2022

Title: TBA

Speaker: To be announced

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