Special Lecture: Green Financing for REDD+/Forestry project
Date: 11 November 2021
Time: 9:00 – 10:00 AM (Bangkok time, GMT+0700)

Date: 11 November 2021
Time: 9:00 – 10:00 AM (Bangkok time, GMT+0700)
This is project is a research collaboration project between Lund University in NRM of SERD, AIT in Thailand and the Royal University of Agriculture. Named FRAWASA, this project is aimed at identifying land cover change in Cambodia, assessing land availability for forest restoration and climate-smart agriculture. It suggests policy interventions for reducing carbon emissions from deforestation and for increasing carbon stocks through forest restoration and smart agriculture.
Keywords REDD+, carbon emissions, carbon sequestration, carbon removals, emission reductions, forest restoration, climate smart agriculture
(more…)Special Lecture for Visiting Students and Faculty from Myanmar Forestry University, and WCS staffs
presented by Dr.Nophea Sasaki, NRM Faculty
On 17 October 2018, Dr.Nophea Sasaki NRM faculty was teaching REDD+ to a group of students from Myanmar’s Forestry University and Staff of WCS who visiting at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT).
The Department of Development and Sustainability (DDS) was pleased to thank you to Dr. Andreas Langner for the “REDD+ Special Class”
Dr. Andreas Langner is currently working at the Joint Research Centre, Directorate D—Sustainable Resources, European Commission, Italy (JRC) on the analysis/harmonization of forest biomass databases and on the development of transparent forest degradation monitoring systems.