Special Lecture: Ajinomoto Contribution to Society

Date-Time: 28 April 2021, 3 – 4 P.M. (ICT/GMT+0700 Thailand time)
Place: Online ZOOM
About Ajinomoto Group
The story of the Ajinomoto Group began in 1909 when it launched AJI-NO-MOTO®, the world’s first umami seasoning. After the success of the first product, the Group steadily expanded its business guided by its aspiration to apply its unique strengths to help to resolve social issues by contributing to food and wellness. Through its food and AminoScience businesses, the Group aims to be a Genuine Global Specialty Company achieving sustainable growth by contributing to healthy lives and a healthy planet.
About Topic
For the special lecture, the Ajinomoto group will share about the Ajinomoto Group Creating Shared Value or ASV which aims for resolving social issues through these 3 key concepts which are:
- Create Healthy Living Society
- Maximize Food Resource Usage
- Develop Global Sustainability
The Development Planning Management and Innovation would like to invite you to join the special lecture by the speaker from Ajinomoto Co., (Thailand) Ltd. on 28 April 2021, 3 – 4 p.m. (ICT/GMT+0700 Thailand time) via ZOOM Online platform (email to dds-head@ait.ac.th to get the meeting link)
About Speaker
Mrs. Kesya Chaicharncheep is the Director of Corporate Planning & Project Manager of Ajinomoto Co., (Thailand) Ltd.

The Ajinomoto Group Corporate video
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For more information, please visit https://www.ajinomoto.com/