Special Lecture: Sharing Experience in Social Enterprise Business

All are welcome to attend
Department of Development and Sustainability has a special lecture on ‘Sharing Experience in Social Enterprise Business’ by Ms.Luckhana Sanbunko, GDS Alumni as detail below:
Date: 13 August 2019
Time: 10:00 – 12:00
Venue: W224B, SERD Building
(also as part of ED75.9022)

Luckhana Sanbungko is a graduate from GDS/SERD/AIT. After graduation, she has set up a social enterprise with community youths, which has grown to be a successful enterprise called Banana Land.
Luckhana will share with us about how she has started her social enterprise, how it grew, how youths got involved and the challenges that she faces. All are welcome to attend.

For more information about Ms.Luckhana’s social enterprise, please see the facebook page below: