AIT Seminar: Implications for Climate Change Mitigation and Advancing Sustainable Development Agenda

AIT Seminar
Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition: Implications for Climate Change Mitigation and Advancing Sustainable Development Agenda
by Dr. André Laperrière
Executive Director of the Secretariat for Global open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN).
Date: Tuesday, 28 August 2018
Time: 16:30 – 17:15 hrs
Venue: SERD Meeting Room (S-101), Academic Bldg.
Speaker’s Bio-data
During his career Mr. Laperrière has led numerous large-scale projects on behalf of private corporations and also within the United Nations.
He has extensive work experience in Africa, the Americas, Caribbean, Europe and Middle East, in particular in developing countries and in conflict and post-conflict environments.
Mr Laperrière has held various senior management positions in the United Nations Common System, including Executive Director in the International Criminal Court, Director of Administration and Finance Division in the World Health Organization and Oil for Food coordinator for UNICEF.
Before joining GODAN, Mr. Laperrière was Deputy CEO of the Global Environment Facility (GEF).
During his career Mr. Laperrière has led numerous large-scale projects on behalf of private corporations and also within the United Nations.
He has extensive work experience in Africa, the Americas, Caribbean, Europe and Middle East, in particular in developing countries and in conflict and post-conflict environments.
Mr Laperrière has held various senior management positions in the United Nations Common System, including Executive Director in the International Criminal Court, Director of Administration and Finance Division in the World Health Organization and Oil for Food coordinator for UNICEF.
Before joining GODAN, Mr. Laperrière was Deputy CEO of the Global Environment Facility (GEF).
Dr. Sylvia Szabo
Program: RRDP
Department: DDS
School: SERD
Tel: 02 524 5696