Low Business Opportunities in Forestry Project

This project is designed to train university lecturers, NGOs, and government officials from ASEAN member states on identifying the low-carbon business development opportunities created by forestry climate change project. Trainers were from Japan, ASEAN, and AIT. Training was held in Siem Reap in 16 – 23 March 2019 (3 days for fieldwork and 5 days for in-class lectures), for which more than 60 people attended. Trainers were from Asian Institute of Technologies, Japanese Universities, local universities in Cambodia, Wildlife Conservation Society, World Wildlife Fund for Nature, and more from ASEAN member states.
Keywords REDD+, low carbon business, forestry, carbon credits
Learning, Training
Duration 16 – 23 March 2019 (3 days for fieldwork and 5 days for in-class lectures)
Faculty Dr. Nophea Sasaki
Partner/Sponsor/Funding Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund
Website https://www.facebook.com/events/siem-reap/rac-redd-training-2019/261054677888179/