Learning “participatory rural development planning” with community

Fieldtrips, within the course of Regional and Rural Development Planning (RRDP) workshops instructed by Dr Thi Phuoc Lai Nguyen, are designed to provide RRDP Master students opportunities to interact and work with local communities on local development planning. It encourages students to be curious, inquiring, to apply theoretical knowledge into practices, and to enjoy learning. This activity is to promote the connection between our research and teaching with community.

The first fieldtrip of January semester 2020 was organized to Na dee district, Prachinburi province on 30-31 Jan 2020. It was well received by authorities and organizations of Na dee district, Saphanhin and Kaeng Dinso sub-districts. More than 60 representatives from villages, organizations, and divisions of district and sub-districts actively participated in interactive meetings. They were together with students to draw a rich picture of the district including problems and potentials for development.
Students will continue working with local multi-stakeholders during the next fieldtrip in the end of Feb 2020 to analyze causes and effects of problems, development resources and gaps in development plans. They will then propose alterative development plans to the district in Mar 2020. The district and sub-districts’ authorities expect to use the students’ work as reference for their future development planning. Thai local administration bodies show much interest in RRDP field of study. We receive their great supports in mobilizing the participation of local people in our meetings as well as providing free of charge meeting venues and tea breaks.