NRM Curriculum Structure, August 2018 to Intersem 2019

Curriculum Structure
Natural Resources Management
Thesis Option | Research Study Option | |
– Total number of required credits | 12 (incl.4 credits of dept-wide courses) | 12 (incl.4 credits of dept-wide courses) |
– Total number of elective credits | 14 | 26 |
– Total number of course works | 26 | 38 |
– Total number of thesis/research
– Total number of credits |
48 |
48 |
August 2018 Semester
Course Code | Course Title | No. of Credits | Status | Instructor |
ED76.01 | Ecological Principles for Natural Resources Management | 3(3-0) | Required | Dr. Nophea Sasaki 75% & Visiting Faculty 25% |
ED76.02 | Natural Resources Management Issues in Asia | 1(1-0) | Elective | Prof. R. Shrestha, Dr. N Sasaki, Dr. N. Faysse |
ED76.14 | Society and Natural Resource Management | 3(3-0) | Elective | Dr. Takuji W. Tsusaka |
ED76.16 | Land Resources Management | 3(3-0) | Required | Prof. Rajendra P. Shrestha |
ED76.20 | Natural Resources Economics | 2(2-0) | Elective | Dr. Takuji W. Tsusaka |
ED76.9009 | REDD+ | 3(3-1) | Elective | Dr. Nophea Sasaki |
ED52.03 | Introduction to Development and Sustainability | 2(2-0)
Required | Dr. Nophea Sasaki, Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon & Prof. Kyoko Kusakabe |
ED52.xxxx | Introduction to Research Design | 2(2-0) | Required | Dr. Sohee M. Kim, Prof. Rajendra P. Shrestha, Dr. Sylvia Szabo |
ED52.xxxx | Introduction to Quantitative Methods I | 2(1-2) | Elective | Dr. Sylvia Szabo |
January 2019 Semester
ED76.03 | Forestry | 3(3-0) | Elective | Dr. Nophea Sasaki |
ED76.04 | Biodiversity and Conservation | 3(3-0) | Elective | Dr. Nophea Sasaki |
ED76.05 | Integrated Land Use Management Systems | 3(3-0) | Elective | Takuji W. Tsusaka |
ED76.17 | Geospatial Techniques in Natural Resources Management | 3(3-2) | Elective | Prof. Rajendra P. Shrestha |
ED76.18 | Integrated Natural Resources Planning and Policy | 2(2-0) | Required | Dr. Nicolas Faysse |
ED52.xxxx | Quantitative Research Methods | 2(1.5-1.5) | Elective | Dr. Takuji W. Tsusaka |
ED52.xxxx | Qualitative Research Methods | 2(1-3) | Elective | Dr. Philippe Doneys & Prof. Kyoko Kusakabe |
Intersem 2019 Semester
ED76.13 | Natural Resources Degradation and Conservation | 3(3-0) | Elective | Prof. Rajendra P. Shrestha |
A new course on development economics to be developed for intersem 2019 | 1(1-0) | Elective | Dr. Takuji W. Tsusaka |
Development and Sustainability Program (2018)
ED76.16 | Land Resources Management | 3(3-0) | Required
Elective |
Prof. Rajendra P. Shrestha |
ED76.20 | Natural Resources Economics | 2(2-0) | Required
Elective |
Takuji W. Tsusaka |