NRM Seminar 2023: Bridging Innovations – Exploring Collaborative Opportunities between KIT and NRM
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NRM Seminar 2023 "Bridging Innovations: Exploring Collaborative Opportunities between KIT and NRM"

Date: 21 December 2023, 1:30 PM
Venue: S101, SERD Building
Organized by Natural Resources Management, DDS, SERD, AIT
Welcome to “Bridging Innovations,” a seminar dedicated to fostering a collaborative relationship between the Kirirom Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Natural Resources Management (NRM) program, Department of Development and Sustainability (DDS), School of Environment, Resources, and Development (SERD), Asian Institute of Technology. This gathering aims to explore future collaborations that leverage our shared commitment to technology, sustainability, and global environmental stewardship. By combining KIT’s technological expertise with NRM’s sustainability insights, we envision potential synergies that can drive impactful, innovative solutions for the challenges of tomorrow.
Moderator: Molley Htar Maung
- Welcome and Introduction: 13:30-13:45
- Registration and brief welcome.
- Introduction of KIT and NRM delegates and participants.
- Video introduction by Eaindray Aung
- Photo session
- NRM Presentation: 13:45-14:05
- Overview of NRM program, focus areas, and achievements by Prof. Nophea Sasaki, NRM.
- KIT Presentation: 14:05-14:25
- Introduction to KIT’s mission and educational programs by Dr. Masamu Kamaga, Vice President for Global Engagement, KIT.
- Question and Answer Session: 14:25-14:30
- Open floor for interactive dialogue.
- Idea Exchange for Collaboration: 14:30-15:00
- Discussion on collaborative opportunities in projects, research, and programs.
- Closing Remarks and Next Steps
- Summary and formalizing collaboration plans.
Nophea Sasaki
Natural Resources Management, SERD, AIT
58 Moo 9, Km. 42, Paholyothin Highway
Klong Luang, Phatum Thani, 12120. Thailand