We are delighted to welcome a new Post-Doctoral Fellow to the Department of Development and Sustainability
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We are delighted to welcome a Post-Doctoral Fellowship to Department of Development and Sustainability
Dr. Kaushik Khamrui is a trained Dairy Technologist presently working as Principal Scientist and Head, Dairy Technology Division, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, India. During his student life, starting from Undergraduate level Dr. Khamrui received many scholarships provided by Government of India as well as German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) fellowship to carry out part of his Doctoral Research at Federal Research for Nutrition, Karlsruhe, Germany. After completing Ph. D. in Dairy Technology from NDRI, Karnal in 2000 he joined National Dairy Development Board, Anand, India. In his early professional career, he conducted basic research for the development of new dairy products like, whey beverages, concentrated and dried whey-based fruit juice mixes, probiotic milk drinks, functional butter, and their commercialization. He subsequently worked on mechanization of production of traditional Indian milk products, standardized methods to measure some of the physical attributes of foods like texture and colour.
Over the last five years he has taken up research for improvement of functional attributes, calorie reduction, 3D printing and sensory characterization of traditional Indian milk products. During his research career of past 22 years, he has supervised fifteen Masters and ten Ph. D student(s), published 95 research papers and technical articles in high impact referred journals, granted one patent, and delivered several invited lectures in national or international conferences. Dr. Khamrui has also visited to Research & Development facilities of many multinational food companies like Groupe Danone, France; International Flavours and Fragrances, The Netherlands; Chr. Hansen and Fortitech, Denmark. Dr. Khamrui has also been nominated by NDRI to undertake collaborative research cum interaction visit at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand under financial support from ICAR and World Bank funded National Agricultural Higher Education (NAHEP) Project.