An Assessment of public water supply governance for proposing an adaptive water governance model in conflict-affected areas. The case of Rakhine State, Myanmar
An Assessment of public water supply governance for proposing an adaptive water governance model in conflict-affected areas. The case of Rakhine State, Myanmar
Mr. Thin Khaing, P.h.D candidate in RRDP/DPMI, has successfully defended his doctoral research entitled “An Assessment of public water supply governance for proposing an adaptive water governance model in conflict-affected areas. The case of Rakhine State, Myanmar,” at 10.00-11.30 AM, on December 06, 2022. Examination committee included Assistant Professor Dr. Thi Phuoc Lai Nguyen (chairperson), Associate Professor Dr. Indrajit Pal, and Prof. Dr. Sangam Shrestha (committee members)’External examiner: Associate Professor Dr. Maria del Carmen Aguilar-Luzon, University of Granada, Spain.
The study investigated the power dynamics and complexity of water supply governance in conflict-affected areas of Rakhine State. Stakeholder salience theory, OECD water governance framework and Soft System Metholdogy were applied. Lack of technical and financial capacity, imbalanced power, the complexity of water actors, and poor governance performance were found. The findings suggested an adaptive community governance model for continuous learning and adapting to social-political change. Congratulations, Dr. Thin Khaing!”
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