Social investment in Asia: How do we make a difference?

The Gender and Development Studies Program at AIT is organizing the INTERSECTIONS on Wednesday 11th November 2020 from 14:00 – 16:00 (Bangkok, Thailand time UTC/GMT+0700) via both online and offline. For this time, the topic is
“Social investment in Asia: How do we make a difference?“
About the Speaker
Her inspiration to promote social investment emerged from her 10 years of experiences in Cambodia. Prior to founding ARUN, she was working with NGOs and international aid agencies such as JICA and World Bank through which she gained outstanding knowledge and personal network in social development in Asia and Africa. Through social investment, Satoko hopes to establish a new international cooperation scheme that contributes both to the empowerment of the people and the sustainable development. She has MSc from London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and a BA from International Christian University (ICU). She currently serves as ARUN’s president.

We are pleased to invite you to join us for a series of conversations on contemporary global issues with gender experts from the field. This cross-cultural transnational forum aims to spur dialogue and reflections on a range of topics bridging theorizing, policy and development practice addressing current Feminist concerns and intersectional work towards social justice.
The series of talks will be offered in hybrid mode – both online and face-to-face. Please register for the talks and we will send you the details. We are happy to be able to establish an opportunity to get together during these isolating and divisive Covid-19 pandemic times.
Registration link:
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