Women Home-based Workers in Thailand: Under Covid-19 pandemic and beyond

The Gender and Development Studies Program at AIT is organizing the INTERSECTIONS on Tuesday 27th October 2020 from 16:00 – 18:00 (Bangkok, Thailand time UTC/GMT+0700) via both online and offline. For this time, the topic is
“Women Home-based Workers in Thailand: Under Covid-19 pandemic and beyond“
In this talk, the speaker will introduce to us not only the situation of home-based workers in general but also how they are coping under Covid-19.
About the Speaker
Dr. Boonsom Namsomboon is a chairperson and founder of Forward Foundation (Thailand), Vice President of Khunsawtbhakd Hyacinthe Foundation, Vice president of Associazione di maria Auxiriatrice (ADMA) Thailand, and Secretary General of Foundation for Labour and Employment Promotion. She has been working on the issue of home-based workers for a number of years including her PhD study at AIT. She has also authored reports for Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) on home-based workers.

We are pleased to invite you to join us for a series of conversations on contemporary global issues with gender experts from the field. This cross-cultural transnational forum aims to spur dialogue and reflections on a range of topics bridging theorizing, policy and development practice addressing current Feminist concerns and intersectional work towards social justice.
The series of talks will be offered in hybrid mode – both online and face-to-face. Please register for the talks and we will send you the details. We are happy to be able to establish an opportunity to get together during these isolating and divisive Covid-19 pandemic times.
Registration link: https://bit.ly/3jfDd0M
Visit us for more information: http://dds.ait.ac.th/dds-intersections/