Panel discussion on violence against women by GDS alumni

The Gender and Development Studies Program at AIT is pleased to invite you to join us for a series of conversations on contemporary global issues with gender experts from the field. This cross-cultural transnational forum aims to spur dialogue and reflections on a range of topics bridging theorizing, policy and development practice addressing current Feminist concerns and intersectional work towards social justice.
The series of talks will be offered in hybrid mode – both online and face-to-face. Please register for the talks and we will send you the details. We are happy to be able to establish an opportunity to get together during these isolating and divisive Covid-19 pandemic times.
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About the Panelist

Director, Socio-Economic & Gender Resource Institute (SEGRI)
Sanda Thant, she is a gender advocate with over 20 years for UN agencies, INGOs, and Mekong Institute (Thailand). She hold a Master in Gender and Development (AIT) in Thailand. She involved drafting ‘the Protection and Prevention of Violence Against Women Law’. She is serving as Co-Chair for Gender Equality Network (GEN), Steering Committee member for NGO Gender Group, Phan Tee Eain, and Colors Rainbow. She is Co-Chair of Violence Against Women Technical Working Group, led by the government. She is working as Director for Socio-Economic & Gender Resource Institute (SEGRI), Myanmar

Programme Specialist /
UN Women Viet Nam
Ly has 17 years of experience in gender and development and social and development policy, including 12-year experience on UN inter-coordination for gender equality and the empowerment of women in the UN reform context.
Since 2009, Ly has coordinated the programme team and provided technical assistance for the Country Representative of UN Women Viet Nam to advance gender equality and the empowerment of women. In the past seven years, she has focused on financing for gender equality and the empowerment of ethnic minority women in Viet Nam.
Before joining UN Women, she worked as Programme Analyst for the UN Office of Resident Coordinator where she coordinated joint activities on UN agencies on gender equality. She worked for Oxfam Quebec – a non-profit Canadian organization as Gender and Employment Advisor from 2005 to 2008. She worked as Programme Specialist on Planning and Governance for UN Women Head Quarter Office in New York.
She holds PhD in Sociology from Hanoi National University in 2017 and Master of Science on Gender and Development in 2005 from AIT, and MBA in 2009. Ly has two daughters.

Lecturer of the Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University
Duanghathai holds Ph.D. in Gender and Development Studies (Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand) and MA in Conflict Analysis and Management (Royal Roads University, Canada.) She is a lecturer of the Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies (IHRP) at Mahidol University. The courses she offers in MA and Ph.D. programs at IHRP are, for example, Conflict Transformation, Human Rights and Peace in Practice, Feminism and Gender Perspectives in Human Rights and Peace.
Duanghathai is an experienced dialogue facilitator. She has been facilitated dialogue for the groups that have different political stances and conflicting issues especially in the Southern Border Provinces of Thailand where armed conflict erupted since 2004. Over 10 years, she has facilitated a number of dialogue between military and former political prisoners, military and human rights defenders, dialogues over hijab wearing issue, dialogue on Buddhists and Muslims concerns.
Her research interest center on human rights and development issues related to conflict and peacebuilding. Her recent academic papers are on “Women Building Peace in the Deep South” and “Political Feminism and the Women’s Movement in Thailand: Actors, Debates and Strategies”.