Interdisciplinary Approach for Disaster Resilience and Sustainability

AIT’s Dr. Indrajit Pal and Dr. Sangam Shrestha has co-edited a book titled “Interdisciplinary Approach for Disaster Resilience and Sustainability”. The 28-chapter book (535 pages), published by Springer served as a reference book for researchers, academia, students, disaster managers, and policy makers from natural science, social science, engineering, and multidisciplinary backgrounds.

The book is co-edited by Dr. Indrajit Pal (left) and Dr. Sangam Shrestha (right) of AIT.
Dr. Indrajit Pal is a faculty member in Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation, and Management (DPMM), interdisciplinary academic program between AIT’s Department of Development and Sustainability and Department of Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. Dr. Sangam is a faculty member in Water Engineering and Management (WEM), AIT. Other co-editors, Dr. Jason von Meding is from University of Florida, USA and Dr. Thayaparan Gajendran and Dr. Iftekhar Ahmed are from University of Newcastle, Australia.

The book, “Interdisciplinary Approach for Disaster Resilience and Sustainability”, is an attempt to provide a balanced approach to the theory and practice of an interdisciplinary approach for disaster resilience and sustainability. The book analytically and empirically discusses the disaster resilience and sustainable development linkages as well as disaster risk governance at national and regional levels, lessons from recent disasters and scientific interventions towards disaster risk reduction measures at the national and regional levels for resilience building and education development. For more detail please follow the link: