AIT 60th Anniversary Celebrations

We are pleased to announce that ALL AIT Alumni are invited to the AIT 60th Anniversary Open House!
When: 25 October 2019, Friday
Where: Robert B. Banks Auditorium (AITCC)
Time: 8:30 AM onwards
Don’t miss this opportunity to reminisce your days in AIT!
1. A poster exhibition showcasing research conducted in SERD will be held in Room S201, 2nd floor of the Academic Building
2. Student volunteers will be available to take you down memory lane on a visit to labs of your interest
3. You are welcome to visit our SERD programs where you have studied or to learn about our programs and meet with our current team of faculty/staff/student members

AIT Open House Program:
8:30 Registration at the lobby of AIT Conference Center
9:00 Welcome speech by AIT President and Three Deans at Robert B. Banks Auditorium
9:30 Smart Classroom Opening Ceremony
11:00-11:45 Special Lecture “One Belt One Road Opportunity” by our alumnus, Prof. Biliang Hu, Dean of the Belt and Road Research Institute at Beijing Normal University –Robert B. Banks Auditorium
11:45-12:30 Special Lecture “AIT History” by our alumnus, Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, former President of the Asian Institute of Technology — Robert B. Banks Auditorium
12:00 Buffet Lunch starts