UEM Alum Appointed Mayor of Kandahar City

UEM Alumni Appointed Mayor of Kandahar City
Md. Rafi Hayat, A Master’s graduate from Urban Environmental Management (UEM, 2018), School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD), has been appointed Mayor of Kandahar in Afghanistan.
In a message to Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon of UEM, Hayat has thanked UEM and his teacher. “All credit goes to UEM and my dearest teacher,” he said in a message sent on the very first day of assumption of the office of the Mayor.
Kandahar June 20, 2019: The newly-appointed mayor for Kandahar, heart of the southern region introduced by Hayatullah Hayat Kandahar provincial governor. Rafi Hayat on Wednesday took charge, vowing to increase the municipality’s revenue, reinforce projects implementation and provide better services to citizens.
Mr. Hayat, speaking at his introductory gathering, said he had an organized plan to improve service delivery to Kandahar dwellers.
“I have good plans to increase municipality’s revenue, clean the city, improve green belt and welfare areas and the plans will be implemented in a timely manner,” the mayor said, stressing need for people’s cooperation in implementing his plans for a better future of Kandahar.
Read details about his official appointment: https://idlg.gov.af/en/3515/