Congratulation Professor Jayant Kumar Routray for the bestowal of the title Emeritus Professor

DDS would like to congratulation Professor Jayant Kumar Routray for being promoted from the bestowal of the title Emeritus Professor.
The title Emeritus Professor is conferred on AIT full Professors on retirement after continuous distinguished service. The award of the title will be conferred to those who have achieved outstanding international professional status and have made significant academic contributions to the Institute through teaching, publications and professional work.
Professor Jayant Kumar Routray
Prof. Routray had obtained his Ph.D. from Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, India in 1987. He joined AIT as an Assistant Professor in June 1988 and was promoted to Full Professor in 2005. He had been serving as a Full Professor at AIT for about 12 years, and had a distinguished career as an AIT faculty member for 29 years.
His publication record includes about 150 publications including 62 papers in international-refereed journals, 20 research papers in national and regional journals, 22 book chapters, 25 research monograph/books, manual and proceedings, 12 papers in conference proceedings, 5 projects/workshop reports, and 8 non-refereed publications. He has delivered 33 invited lectures in China, Japan, Norway, Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand.
Prof. Routray has received a number of awards/recognitions which include amongst others, Fellow (elected) of the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) since 1996, Best Paper Award by the International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management presented at the Climate 2009/KLIMA 2009, Honorary Membership conferred by the AIT Alumni Association in appreciation and recognition of his meritorious services rendered to AIT and AITAA, and many merit scholarship awards.
Prof Routray served in various capacities such as, the Academic Senate Chair, AIT (elected) June ’12-May ’14; coordinator of the two (2) interschool and interdisciplinary academic programs of AIT viz. 1) the Climate Change and Sustainable Development (CCSD) Program and the 2) Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation and Management (DPMM) Program (Sept. 2014-2017), and the Director of the ASEAN Regional Centre of Excellence on Millennium Development Goals (ARCMDG) at AIT (May ‘08-Aug. ’10). His one-page profile can be accessed via this link,