Assessment of the Adoption and Livelihood Impacts of Alternative Farming Systems: The Hill Pond Rice System in Northern Thailand – PhD Colloquium

Ph.D. Colloquium
Date: 23th March 2022
Time: 15:00 – 16:00 (Bangkok Time/GMT+0700)
Venue: ZOOM Online
Presenter: Chiranan Senanuch, PhD, NRM
Moderator: Sanhakot Vithayaporn, PhD, DS
DDS is organizing our monthly Ph.D. Colloquium on 23rd March (Wed) from 15:00 (Bangkok Time) via ZOOM. This is a forum where Ph.D. students share their work and engage in discussions on various emerging issues in the region.
This month’s topic is
Assessment of the Adoption and Livelihood Impacts of Alternative Farming Systems: The Hill Pond Rice System in Northern Thailand
Additional, the topic will cover
- Developed the conceptual framework for their proposal or dissertation
- Written a journal paper from their dissertation
- Addressed the comments by reviewers of the journal paper and/or by the external reviewer of the dissertation
How to Join
Please follow the Zoom details below to join the schedule:
Meeting ID: 632 0947 7409
Passcode : 470021
Meeting Link:
Publication of the Speaker
Please find the publication of the speaker at