PhD Colloquium for October 2017

PhD Colloquium for October 2017
Title: Farm Households’ Simultaneous Use of Sources to Access Information on Cotton Production
Presenter: Mr. Muhammad Yaseen, PhD student/RRDP
Rapporteur: Ms. Surutwadee Pak-Uthai, PhD student/NRM
Discussant: Ms. Farha Naz, PhD student/GDS
Date: 18 October 2017
The Department of Development and Sustainability organized a PhD colloquium for PhD students on 18 October 2017 as a monthly regular event of the Department. The objectives of the PhD Colloquium are to share the learning experiences of their research and study outcome on live discussion forum.
Faculty members namely, Prof Kyoko Kusakabe (Head of Department DDS), Dr. Mokbul Morshed Ahmad (Committee chair of the presenter), Dr. Thi Phuoc Lai Nguyen (RRDP), and 13 students from different academic programs attended this colloquium. Professor Kyoko Kusakabe welcomed all participants and introduced the Presenter Mr. Muhammad Yaseen, PhD student/RRDP; discussant Ms. Farha Naz, PhD student/GDS and rapporteur Ms. Surutwadee Pak-Uthai, PhD student/NRM of the colloquium.
Muhammad Yaseen, presenter of the event, briefly explained the concept of his PhD research on the topic “Information Access, Use and Its Effect on Production and Income of Cotton Farmers in Punjab, Pakistan”. Then he presented his recently published paper in peer-reviewed journal which is a part of the first objective of his PhD dissertation. This study has investigated farm households’ simultaneous use of social networks, field extension, traditional media and modern ICTs to access information on cotton crop production. The study was based on a field survey, conducted in Punjab, Pakistan. Data were collected from 399 cotton farm households using the multistage sampling technique. Important combinations of information sources were found in terms of their simultaneous use to access information. The study also examined the factors influencing the use of various available information sources. A multivariate probit model was used considering the correlation among the use of social networks, field extension, traditional media and modern ICTs. The findings indicated the importance of different socio-economic and institutional factors affecting farm households’ use of available information sources on cotton production. Important policy conclusions are drawn based on findings.
The discussion was interactive. Miss Farha Naz, discussant of the event, shared her point of view on the presented paper. The participant asked about various points of presentation. Some of the points which were discussed include the methodology used in the research, use of internet for accessing information on cotton production, reasons of variations among farm household’s groups in using various sources, gender perspective, and benefits of using agricultural information to farm households. The presenter responded to all points.
Finally, Pro. Kyoko Kusakabe added her input in the discussion and thanked all participants for their active participation.
Next Colloquium
Academic Program: Urban Environmental Management (UEM)
Date: Wednesday, 15 November 2017
Time: 15:00-16:00 hrs.
Venue: S201 (NRM Workshop Room)
Presenter: Ms. Laksiri Chomchuen, PhD student/UEM
Moderator: Mr. Shubham Pathak, PhD student/ DPMM