PhD Colloquium (7-Aug-2017)

PhD Colloquium
Topic: Can Economic Upgrading leads to Women Workers Welfare Improvement & Gender Equality at The Workplace: The Case Study of Thai Manufacturing Firms
Presenter: Mr. Rapipong Promnart
The Department of Development and Sustainability has started a PhD colloquium for PhD students in 7th of August 2017. The forum has been decided to be carried out monthly. The aim of the gathering is to bring together all PhD students in a live discussion forum to get to know each other and to be exposed for different experiences from researches and scientific evidences which will be presented consecutively. Therefore, all PhD students are requested to attend such forums.
In the first forum, there were 4 faculties and 9 students attended a fruitful discussion, was very interactive and generated several comments and questions. The attendants are from various fields of studies: 3 from GDS, 3 from UEM, 2 from DPMM, and 1 from CCSD. The study included 3 firms from Thailand. In-depth interviews and focus group discussion techniques were used to collect the data.
Highlights from the discussion
- The future trend regarding capital intensive
- Job security issues
- Addressing migrant workers and equality
- Labour law and regulations in Thailand
- Ratification of the international labor law at country level
- The role of new technology and workers (skilled labor plus innovation can help)
- The problems of labors and the hardship
- Justifications have been provided regarding selection of the 3 firms: such companies were big in size, have better status of labor treatment and welfare, as well as accessible for data and information required.
Next colloquium
Academic Program : Natural Resources Management (NRM)
Date: 13th September 2017
Time: 15:00-16:00 hrs.
Venue: S201 (NRM Workshop Room)
Rapporteur: Mr. Mahmoud Fadlallah, PhD student/DPMM
Discussant: Miss Saniwan Buaban, PhD student/CCSD
Date: 15/Aug/2017