Webinar: Forest Restoration and Global Sustainability We celebrate the International Day of Forests 2021

Webinar: Forest Restoration and Global Sustainability

We celebrate the International Day of Forests 2021

With almost 500 million hectares of tropical forests being degraded by now and another 13 million hectares being lost annually, there is a critical need to restore these forests to avoid more future punishment by the Mother Nature. The New York Declaration on Forests set the target to restore 350M hectares of forests by 2030. The Sustainable Development Goals 15 specifically recognizes the need to manage and restore the forests.

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2021 International Women’s Day Celebration – Achieving an Equal Future: #Choose to Challenge

This year’s UN official theme on Women’s Day is “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a Covid-19 world”. We focus on our everyday lives – what/ how we eat, move, relate to others, communicate, study, work, and live our lives. We can choose to challenge gender inequality in our daily lives – any time, alone or with others. We believe that an accumulation of these everyday consciousness by individuals can lead us to collectively overcoming gender bias and realizing a more equal and inclusive future.


IGS International Symposium “Development, Education, and Gender” – Symposium celebrating 20 years of Ochanomizu University and AIT Workshop Programme

Institute for Gender Studies (IGS) Internation Symposium, “Development, Education, and Gender” Symposium celebrating 20 years of Ochanomizu University – AIT Workshop. This is to commemorate the 20th anniversary of exchange program between AIT and Ochanomizu University. Our PhD student (Mr.Song Changhui) will be speaking on behalf of the AIT students who participated in the exchange. 


Sustainability Hackathon 2020

Department of Development and Sustainability (DDS) is organizing the “Sustainable Hackathon 2020” from Friday 20 November 2020 at 18:00 to Saturday 21 November 2020 at 18:00 (GMT+0700 Bangkok Thailand). This event is the 2nd series of the Hackathon organized by DDS. The theme of this time is



Learning “participatory rural development planning” with community

Fieldtrips, within the course of Regional and Rural Development Planning (RRDP) workshops instructed by Dr Thi Phuoc Lai Nguyen, are designed to provide RRDP Master students opportunities to interact and work with local communities on local development planning. It encourages students to be curious, inquiring, to apply theoretical knowledge into practices, and to enjoy learning. This activity is to promote the connection between our research and teaching with community.


GDS Students visited UNWomen

On November 13, 2019, students of courses Gender and Development: Principles and Concepts and Gender and Communication visited UNWomen Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok to learn about UNWomen’s work, especially around migration and violence against women. Students were able to make links for further action for gender equality!
