CRISTA Team conducts Stakeholder Meeting in Neelkantha Municipality, Nepal

Stakeholder Meeting for the Climate Resilient Infrastructure for Social Transformation and Adaptation (CRISTA) project was successfully conducted in Neelkantha Municipality, Nepal on 11th July 2022. The meeting was organized to discuss the ongoing progress of CRISTA project and provide hands-on demonstration on the use of CRISTA system, application, and dashboard to the concerned local authorities.


Expert Workshop for “Capacity building for measuring multi-hazard livelihood security and resilience in the lower Mekong basin”

Expert Workshop for the project “Capacity building for measuring multi-hazard livelihood security and resilience in the lower Mekong basin” supported by Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) was successfully organized on 30 – 31 May, 2022  by Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation, and Management (DPMM), Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. The Read more…

Forest Poetry Contest in Celebration of the International Day of the Forest 2022 – The Forest Speaks

Natural Resources Management Academic Program (NRM), Department of Development and Sustainability would like to present Forest Poetry Contest on March 19, 2022, in celebration of the International Day of the Forest 2022 in the theme “The Forest Speaks”.

Important Dates

  • Registration and Submission Starts March 06, 2022
  • Closing of Submissions March 16, 2022
  • Announcement of Winners March 19, 2022

Students of Gender, Enterprise and Organization class had a joint session with Nagoya University of Foreign Studies students

On 17 November 2021, students of Gender, Enterprise and Organization class had a joint session with Nagoya University of Foreign Studies students. The students were divided into five groups. AIT students gave presentations on the topics that they have learned in class, and facilitated discussion with the Nagoya students. Presenting and facilitating discussion on topics to external undergraduate students allowed AIT students to develop deeper understanding of the issues discussed in class.


Students of Gender Analysis and Gender-Responsive Development Planning visited a woman-led community in Chalong Krung, Nong Chok District in Bangkok

Students of Gender Analysis and Gender-Responsive Development Planning visited a woman-led community in Chalong Krung, Nong Chok District in Bangkok. Students learned from the community leaders of the history of the community – how they have fought the relocation from the center of Bangkok to the current place, and how they are currently fighting impact from Covid-19. Many members of the community lost their jobs during Covid-19 pandemic. They have come together to clean up vacant land in the community to develop organic vegetable farm for home consumption as well as for selling purposes. The scheme has been successful and they are planning to expand. Students had an opportunity to see first-hand how Thai communities organize themselves and hear the stories directly from them. We thank Dr. Boonsom Namsomboon and the Chalong Krung Community to spend time for us.
