
Lund, Ragnhild, Kyoko Kusakabe, Nitya Rao and Nireka Weeratunge (eds) (2020) Fisherfolk in Cambodia, India and Sri Lanka: Migration, gender and well-being, Routledge.
Siar, Suzana and Kyoko Kusakabe (eds) (2020) Demographic change in Asian fishing communities: Drivers, outcomes and potential impacts, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Bangkok.
Kusakabe, Kyoko and Carli Melo (2019) Jobs at SEZs: Migrant garment factory workers in the Mekong Region, Asian Institute of Technology and Mekong Migration Network.
Veena N. and Kyoko Kusakabe (2018) Into the light: Young female migrant workers in Thailand’s seafood sector and their access to decent work, Plan International.
Kusakabe, Kyoko, Khamnuan Kheuntha, Raksa Sok, Apimuk Wichasorn, Thanchanok Khawngoenyuang, Veena N. (2018) Labour migration and human trafficking: An analysis of laws, regulations and policies in Thailand and Cambodia, GVC South East Asia and GVC Italy, Cambodia.
- Kusakabe, Kyoko, Rajendra Shrestha and Veena N. (eds) (2015) Gender and land tenure in the context of disaster in Asia, London:Springer.
- R. Lund, P. Doneys, B. Resurreccion (eds) (2015), Gendered Entanglements: Revisiting Gender in Rapidly Changing Asia , NIAS press, 2015.
- Lund, R., K. Kusakabe, S. Mishra Panda, W. Yunxian (eds.) (2014), Gender, mobilities, and livelihood transformations: Comparing indigenous people in China, Laos, and India, London: Routledge.
- Pearson, Ruth and Kyoko Kusakabe (2012), Thailand’s Hidden Workforce: Burmese Migrant Women Factory Workers, Asian Argument Series, London: Zed Books.
- Kusakabe, Kyoko (ed) (2012), Gender, road and mobility in Asia, London: Practical Action Publishing.
- Banpanasirichote, Chantana, Philippe Doneys, Mike Hayes, Chandan Sengupta, (eds.) (2012), Mainstreaming Human Security in Asia, Bangkok: Chula Global Network [ISBN 978-616-551-473-6].