Book Chapters

Kusakabe, Kyoko (2020) “Migrant workers and childcare at the place of destination: An overview of issues in the Mekong Region, South East Asia”, in Shirlena Huang and Kanchana N. Ruwanpura (eds.) Handbook on gender in Asia, International Handbooks on Gender series, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham UK and Northampton MA, USA, 360-373.
Kusakabe, Kyoko, Sok Serey and Methinee Phoovatis (2020) “Study on demographic change in fishing communities in Cambodia and Thailand”, in Siar, S.V. and Kusakabe, K. (eds) Demographic change in Asian fishing communities – drivers, outcomes and potential impacts, FAO: Bangkok, 37-84.
Kusakabe, Kyoko (2017) “Street vending in Phnom Penh: Flourishing but invisible” in Simon Springer and Katherine Brickell (eds) Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Cambodia, Routledge, 257-268.
- Lorina Sthapit and Philippe Doneys (2017), “Female Maoist combatants during and after the People’s War”, in Ashild Kolas (ed.), Women, Peace and Security in Nepal, London: Routledge.
- Kusakabe, Kyoko (2016) “Street vending in Phnom Penh: Flourishing but invisible” in Simon Springer and Katherine Brickell (eds) Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Cambodia, Routledge.
- Kusakabe, Kyoko and Ruth Pearson (2016) “Childcare arrangements of Burmese migrant workers in Thailand”, in Nicola Ansell, Natascha Klocker and Tracey Skelton (eds) Geographies of global issues: changes and threat, Geographies of children and young people, Singapore: Springer, 1-24.
- Kusakabe, Kyoko and Ruth Pearson (2015) “Remittances and women’s agency: Managing networks of obligation among Burmese migrant workers in Thailand” in Lan Anh Hoang and Brenda Yeoh (eds) Transnational labour migration, remittances and the changing family in Asia, New York:Palgrave, 50-81.
- Veena N and Kyoko Kusakabe (2015) “Gender and land tenure in the context of disaster” in Kusakabe, Kyoko, Rajendra Shrestha and Veena N. (eds) Gender, land tenure and disaster, London:Springer, 1-14.
- Doane, Donna L. and Philippe Doneys (2015), “Lost in Translation? Gender and Economic Empowerment in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region”, in Ragnhild Lund, Philippe Doneys and Bernadette Resurreccion (eds.), Gender Entanglements: Revisiting Gender in a Rapidly Changing Asia , Copenhagen: NIAS press.
- Kusakabe, Kyoko and Prak Sereyvath (2015), “Women Fish Border Traders in Cambodia: Intersectionality and Gender Analysis”, in Ragnhild Lund, Philippe Doneys and Bernadette Resurreccion (eds.), Gender Entanglements: Revisiting Gender in a Rapidly Changing Asia , Copenhagen: NIAS press.
- Resurreccion, Bernadette, Philippe Doneys and Ragnhild Lund (2015), “Gender entanglements in gender and development: a call for grounded, multi-dimensional and ‘moving’ feminisms”, in Ragnhild Lund, Philippe Doneys and Bernadette Resurreccion (eds.), Gender Entanglements: Revisiting Gender in a Rapidly Changing Asia, Copenhagen: NIAS press.
- Lund, Ragnhild, Philippe Doneys and Bernadette Resurreccion (2015), “Introduction”, in Ragnhild Lund, Philippe Doneys and Bernadette Resurreccion (eds.), Gender Entanglements: Revisiting Gender in a Rapidly Changing Asia, Copenhagen: NIAS press, 2015.
- Lund, Ragnhild, Kyoko Kusakabe, Smita Mishra Panda, Wang Yunxian (eds.) (2014) Gender, mobilities, and livelihood transformations: Comparing indigenous people in China, Laos, and India, London: Routledge.
- Kusakabe, Kyoko and Ruth Pearson (2014), ‘What does political change in Burma offer migrant workers in Thailand?’. In Mikael Gravers and Flemming Ytzen (eds), Burma/Myanmar – Where Now? Copenhagen: NIAS Press, pp.364-368.
- Kusakabe, Kyoko (2014) “Forging an international network of gender and development practitioners: IFP students at the Asian Institute of Technology”, in Terance W. Bigalke and Mary S. Zurbuchen (eds) Leadership for social justice in higher education: The legacy of the Ford Foundation International Fellowship Program, New York:Palgrave Macmillan, pp.155-169.
- Kusakabe, Kyoko and Ruth Pearson (2014) “Burmese female migrant workers in Thailand: Managing productive and reproductive responsibilities”, in Thanhdam Truong et al. (eds) Migration gender and social justice, Springer, 69-86.
- Kusakabe, Kyoko (2014) “Coping Capacity of Small-scale Border Fish Traders in Cambodia” in Brun, C., P. Blaikie and M. Jones (eds) Alternative Development: Unravelling marginalization, voicing change. Surrey:Ashgate, 259-268.
- Kumar, Kyoko Kusakabe, Pravakar Pradhan, Pujan Shrestha, Srujana Goteti, Tran Anh Tuan, Ekawit Meteejaroenwong, Trinnawat Suwanprik, Khanh Linh, (2014) “Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Tourism Service Providers: Case Studies in Chiang Mai, Thailand and Hue, Vietnam”, in Louis Lebel, Chu Thai Hoanh, Chayanis Krittasudthacheewa and Rajesh Daniel (eds) Climate risks, regional integration, and sustainability in the Mekong region, published by Strategic Information and Research Development Centre (SIRD) and SUMERNET Secretariat, Selangor, Malaysia, 248-269.
- Kusakabe, Kyoko and Sengkham Vongphakdy (2013) “Gender vulnerabilities of resettlement and restricted mobility of ethnic groups in northern Laos” in Lund et al. (eds) Transformations of indigenous people’s lives and livelihoods: Mobilities in China, Laos, and India, Routledge, pp.134-165.
- Kusakabe, Kyoko (2012) “Case based gender process monitoring”, in Reflecting on gender equality and human rights in evaluation, UNWomen, Bangkok, pp.35-46.
- Kusakabe, Kyoko (2012) “Introduction: Gender, roads and mobility in Asia”; “Gender, mobility and road construction in Greater Mekong Subregion”; “Conclusion” Studying gender relations in a mobile world” in Kyoko Kusakabe (ed) Gender, roads, and mobility in Asia, Practical Action Publishing, UK.
- Banpanasirichote, Chantana Philippe Doneys, Mike Hayes, Chandan Sengupta (2012), “Introduction”, in Chantana Banpanasirichote, Philippe Doneys, Mike Hayes, Chandan Sengupta, (eds.), Mainstreaming Human Security in Asia, Bangkok: Chula Global Network [ISBN 978-616-551-473-6], p. 1-14.